The Acute Abdomen - Decision Making In The First Few Hours

European Specialist in Emergency and Critical Care, Amanda Boag delivered a ‘must see’ webinar for any vet working in small animal practice today. Most vets will encounter the acute abdomen patient at several points point in their career and this webinar offers the tools to deal with this often stressful scenario as effectively and as successfully as possible.

No Animals Were Harmed In The Making Of This Blog

The afterparty for the 1978 Academy Awards must have been a wild one for Michael Cimino. The Deer Hunter, only his second film as a director, had just won five Oscars, including the coveted Best Director and Best Picture, and was already being hailed as one of the best films ever made. Movie moguls were lining up to shake his hand and gush praise for his masterpiece. One can only imagine Cimino’s hangover the next morning.

The British Big Cats: Is The Truth Out There?

In June of this year, a taxi was travelling down the secluded Napsbury Lane in St Albans, Herts, when the driver noticed an animal at the side of the road. Stopping to have a look, his dashcam captured footage of what he believed to be the mysterious creature that the locals have branded “the big cat of St Albans”, an elusive puma-like creature that has been supposedly seen on multiple occasions over the years. Sceptics might be inclined to say that it’s just a regular cat, but for many people, this is another piece of evidence in one of Britain’s longest-running conspiracy theories: that there are undocumented big cats stalking the wilds of the UK.

Introducing Wikivet

Wikivet is an online resource that provides free, high-quality educational content for veterinary students, professionals, and enthusiasts. The site is a collaborative effort between a team of experienced veterinary professionals and educators, who share a passion for promoting veterinary education and animal welfare.

Fidel Castro's Supercow

In the city of Nueva Gerona there stands a white stone statue of one of the most beloved Cuban revolutionaries, whose legacy lives on to this day. But this is not a monument to Che Guevara or Fidel Castro; no, this is a statue of Ubre Blanca. Ubre Blanca was an unusual revolutionary. For one thing, she was female, a tough position in patriarchal Cuba. For another, and, perhaps more notably, she was a cow.

Why Was The Cow Dressed Like A Zebra?

If you’re trying to think of the joke answer, let us know later (because we don’t have it), but for now we’re asking this question seriously. Why would you ever paint a cow like a zebra? To answer that, we first have to ask another question that sounds like a joke setup – why does the zebra have stripes?

Through They Keyhole - Veterinary Laparoscopy

Keyhole or laparoscopic surgery is now a standard and common technique used in the field of human surgery and is starting to become increasingly popular within the world of veterinary medicine. Some of our clients now expect to be offered routine laparoscopy as a service, and with last week’s speaker Jon Hall performing laparoscopic spays at a flat rate of £350, I completely understand why many owners would rather opt for this procedure given the benefits this technique offers.

Handling And Restraint For Rabbits

Rabbits have very powerful hind legs. If they kick out unrestrained, the result may be spinal, pelvic or limb fractures. This is more common in the case of hutch-housed rabbits that have poor bone quality and have very little exercise. Handlers should always remember the likelihood of this type of injury and guard against it.

Learn More About Rabbit Rabies

It’s quite possible that you could work your entire life in practice and never see a rabies case – provided that you live in the right part of the world. If you happen to be based in Africa or Asia, however, the story is very different. Across these two continents, over 50,000 people die annually from this unpleasant disease – and it is very unpleasant. Death by rabies is slow and painful, for both humans and animals.

A Chat with Anthony | 17th May

WVAC2020 is coming to an end but it’s been a huge honour to assist the WVA and New Zealand Veterinary Assoc in keeping the show on the road. The Coronavirus crisis forced the cancellation of the physical event in Auckland at very short notice and we had only a number of weeks to work with NZVA to turn it around into a 3-week festival ” Vet Professionals of the World Unite” It’s been tiring but huge fun to work with NZVA, WVA, the speakers, sponsors and, of course, the delegates to turn this into such an incredible learning experience for everyone.

Organising Self-Care

Self-care is something the people in the veterinary profession are rubbish at (if I must put it bluntly). I hear excuses about not having enough time or just not being bothered. Self-care is so important to do and the benefits include making ourselves feel much happier and healthier. Looking after ourselves properly can prevent us from getting compassion fatigue and burn out.

Webinar Review: Urinary Sphincter Mecahnism Incompetence (Usmi) An Introduction To Caniphedrin

This veterinary webinar is sponsored by Chanelle Pharma and is one of several from the company in its CPD series.  Jonathan Moore has had an interesting career to date with a total of 12 years in equine practice, six years with Elanco in a sales and marketing role with many species, and since this year with Chanelle Pharma as the UK support manager. Along the way he found time to study for an MBA at the University of Southampton.