Is It Worth Becoming A Vet?
Being a veterinarian is to be in a place of privilege, there are very few jobs where when you tell people what you do, they say “aw, that’s lovely”. But that always happens in veterinary medicine and then you get asked about their scabby dog or cat.
I’ve been very fortunate to do the job that I wanted to do from when I was eight. I think being a veterinary surgeon is one of the best jobs in the world, I’ve thoroughly enjoyed my career and I would recommend it to anyone.
So, if you want to find out if it pays to be a Vet, read on.
It is Vocational
Being a veterinarian is not the easiest job in the world, you usually work long hours and if for example, you work in the emergency practice you will be working a lot at night, you can also be called at any time to attend an emergency in the field if you work with equines or farm animals, this can be unsociable and long hours.
So, I think that to do the job there has to be a real desire to help animals, it’s not just that I like the job but it has to be vocational as well. There are jobs that pay a lot more money, and if you are more motivated by money than caring for animals, then you should probably look for one of those jobs.
It is Satisfying
There are many things within the job that make it a really fulfilling job, one example is helping animals that are suffering and being able to take away that pain, but we also have a very big responsibility regarding public health and food safety. Working in food production, on farms, in food inspection and abattoirs, these are all really important jobs for people’s safety, we have to make sure that this food is safe to eat.
There are also jobs in government, in research and in food and pharmaceutical companies, where a veterinarian is needed to do these jobs. We are usually told that the normal thing to do is to work in a small animal practice or on a farm, but there are many other things you can do with a degree in veterinary medicine.
So why do I think it’s worth being a vet, firstly because it’s a very useful degree, there are endless opportunities within the field and you can help many animals and people. I will always recommend people to study veterinary medicine, as it has been a job that I have enjoyed very much. I don’t practice now because I run The Webinar Vet which is a training platform for vets, providing vet CPD webinars.
If this is a job you are considering, feel free to look on the internet – our own site, WikiVet, is particularly for veterinary students, but it’s a great place to start to get an idea of whether this is the right job for you. Try also getting some voluntary work in a stable or kennel, or perhaps helping out in a practice. These are easy ways to find out if this is a job you can cope with.
How many times have I been told by somebody that they would have loved to have been a vet, but they just found it too upsetting to have to put a dog to sleep. Clearly. If you can’t do that, then it’s not a job for you. So, it’s important to spend time research, and learn about working with animals and just make sure it’s something that you enjoy doing for the next 10, 20, or 30 years.
What do you find most exciting about a Veterinary doctor?