How To Communicate Your Sustainability Goals

By Molly Daphne

So, you've started making sustainable changes to your practice and motivated your whole team to help, but now you're wondering how you communicate all these significant changes to your customers. Moreover, how do you inspire them to adopt your green ethos, too?

Your efforts should not go unheard, and if we want to make a difference to our planet, we need to motivate our communities to make a change, too.

But many people can be fearful of sharing their sustainability efforts, whether because they're worried about greenwashing or they just don't know how to express the importance of the practises they're adopting.

So, we've compiled a quick guide on sharing your green mission with your community.

Why Communication Matters

Communicating your sustainable practices to customers should be a priority. Businesses that think with the planet in mind are in demand with consumers. More and more people are considering a business's sustainability goals before parting with their money.

So, being open and honest about your sustainability efforts builds trust, demonstrates social responsibility, and ultimately strengthens your reputation amongst your consciously minded community.

It also creates a beautiful ripple effect. Customers who are aware of and engaged with your eco-friendly practices are more likely to support and participate in these initiatives, amplifying the positive environmental impact you have.

Showcasing Your Efforts

Clear Messaging

Start by crafting clear and concise messages about your sustainability efforts. Keep the language straightforward. Don't overcomplicate the changes you've made or why they matter. Simplicity is best. Avoid jargon or technical wording. You don't need it, and your customers are less likely to engage with it.

Website, Newsletters and Social Media

Regularly post updates on social media to keep your followers informed and engaged. Use blogs, images, videos, and testimonials. Write about how you're reducing waste, what eco-friendly products you're using, and tips on how your customers can reduce their pets' carbon pawprint. You can also share all this information in any email newsletter, too.

Have a page on your website dedicated to your sustainability goals.

Success Stories and Milestones

Share your success stories and milestones. For example, if you've significantly reduced plastic waste or switched to renewable energy sources, highlight these achievements.

No achievement is too small when it comes to sustainability! Celebrate every milestone, no matter what that is.

These success stories can be very motivating for customers and staff alike.

Informational Displays

Create informational displays within your clinic to showcase your sustainability efforts.

Use posters, brochures, and digital screens to highlight key initiatives and their benefits.

Place these displays in waiting areas, exam rooms, and other high-traffic locations to ensure maximum visibility.

Understanding Greenwashing and Following the Laws

What is Greenwashing?

Greenwashing occurs when a person or company makes misleading claims about the environmental benefits of a product or service to appear more environmentally friendly than it actually is.

For example, businesses have been accused of greenwashing when using vague or broad statements not backed by evidence.

Greenwashing can damage a clinic's reputation and erode trust with customers.

The UK Gov website has a great Green Claims Checklist, which can help ensure your marketing isn't at risk of greenwashing.

Avoiding Greenwashing

To avoid greenwashing, being honest and transparent about your sustainability efforts is essential.

Here are some important practices to follow:

  • Be Specific: Provide clear and specific information about your work and its impact. Avoid using broad or vague terms like "eco-friendly" or "green" without context. For example, if you're selling eco-friendly dog toys, explain why they are eco-friendly compared to other toys.

  • Back-Up Claims: Support your claims with evidence. Use data, case studies, and certifications to demonstrate the effectiveness of your initiatives.

  • Follow Regulations: Ensure your marketing and communication practices comply with relevant advertising and environmental regulations. In the UK, this includes guidelines from the Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) and the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA).

  • Continuous Improvement: Show a commitment to ongoing improvement in your sustainability practices. Highlight both your achievements and the areas you're working to improve. It doesn't matter if you're not there yet. Sustainability is a journey. Share your destination and how you plan to get there.

Examples of Greenwashing to Avoid

  • Vague Claims: Statements like "We care about the environment" without specific actions or evidence.

  • Misleading Labels: Using labels like "natural" or "green" on products without clear definitions or certifications.

  • Overstating Benefits: Exaggerating a product's or practice's environmental benefits without substantial evidence.

Engaging Customers in Sustainability

Host Educational Events

Organise events focusing on sustainability, such as workshops on eco-friendly pet care, seminars on reducing your pet's carbon pawprint, or tours showcasing your clinic's green features. These events can educate and inspire customers to adopt sustainable practices at home.

Sustainability Challenges

Launch sustainability challenges that encourage customers to participate in eco-friendly activities. For example, challenge customers to reduce plastic waste by using reusable pet products or participating in a local environmental clean-up. Offer incentives, such as discounts or loyalty points, for participating in and completing these challenges.

Customer Feedback

Encourage customers to provide feedback on your sustainability efforts. Use surveys, suggestion boxes, and social media polls to gather insights and ideas. This feedback can help you refine your initiatives and demonstrate that you value your customers' opinions.



Don't avoid discussing sustainability because you're not where you want to be just yet.

If your destination is to be wholly plastic-free, but you're still planning how your practice can manage it, share that information! Let your community in on your journey.

The most important thing is to be honest and transparent

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